Saturday 10 March 2012

Protecting against Eczema Flare-ups in Children

Protecting against Eczema Flare-ups in Children

Eczema is usually a tough problem to deal with. Normally, it doesn't have any cure. The one thing that you can do about it is to manage the problem and help manageits flare-ups. With children, this can be a toughercondition to manage because of the absence of medicines available especially to children below two years old. And unlike adults, children cannot be relied upon to help control scratching, that might exacerbate the problem even more. Infections on the skin can make the issue harder to treat. Also, it is often wrongly identified as harmless diaper rash and heat rash.

Eczema starts off as an itchy red rash. In time, it will become dry, scaly and will have lesions. The rashes are often found on the face, the arms and the legs, simply in the creases of the elbows, knees and ankles. Usually, eczema is caused by an allergen or an irritant, often a chemical that your baby has come into contact with in his surrounding. The culprit for most cases are laundry detergents, bath soaps and other chemicals that the sensitive skin of your infant cannot take. Most babies with eczema have parents who are extremely allergic too. It is also not uncommon for asthmatic children to have flare-ups of eczema.

Although medicines are now being given to children for the remedy for the problem, it is not always recommended. Usually, they are given topical steroids or immunomodulators. This is due to medicines can have side effects especially for infants and those below two years old. Prolonged use, even in older children, can cause the thinning of the skin and stretch marks to appear.

Prevention is still the easiest way to manage the problem. Flare-ups can be controlled if eczema is caused by a known allergen or irritant. Simply take out the allergen or irritant and the episode of itchiness will be gone. Among the common causes for eczema flare-ups besides soaps are dust mites, food allergies, as well as some types of fabrics. Besides identifying the original source of the rashes, parents can also help control the problem by keeping the skin of the baby well-moisturized. This assists prevent the dryness of the skin and eventually scaling and lesions. Be careful though when doing this because as stated before, some products that have chemical on them can actually cause the flare-ups. In order to be sure, check with your doctor and ask for advice on what products in the market that you can use for your child.

Usually, the greasy type of moisturizers work best with preventing flare-ups. An illustration of these ointments are Vasline and Aquaphor creams. Do not use lotion or oils as they may only worsen the itchiness.Flare-ups may also be harder to control when the air is very dry during summer and during cold weather. Winter season is especially “conducive” to eczema flare-ups. Be ready for this and make sure that the skin is well-moisturized. It will be good to keep a cream on you all the time so you can treat the eczema flare-up at its first sign.

Friday 9 March 2012

Contact Dermatitis – The Eczema You Can Avoid

Contact Dermatitis – The Eczema You Can Avoid

Like occupational dermatitis, contact dermatitis is another form of eczema that can be avoided. This type of eczema is mainly caused by contact with everyday objects (shampoo, food, water, jewelry, etc.)

When the contact results in irritated skin, it is called irritant contact dermatitis. If there is an allergic reaction on the skin after contact, the eczema is called allergic contact dermatitis.


The reaction to allergic contact dermatitis is immediate and fast – developing only a few hours after the allergen touches the person’s skin. The result is an itchy, swollen and red skin.

There will be blisters if the reaction is severe enough. In addition, these blisters may break and the skin may flake and crack later.

Long exposure

In long-term exposures, the skin becomes thick, red and scaly. More than that period and the skin darkens and becomes leathery. Things get worse once irritant contact dermatitis has developed. Exposure or contacts with even mild substances (baby shampoo or even water) can irritate the skin and make the condition real bad.


There are more than 3,000 allergens known to cause allergic contact dermatitis. Some of the more common ones include antibiotic ointments, clothing (dyes and fire retardants) and shoes (the leather, glue or rubber).

Concrete is often the cause of chronic hand dermatitis. The reaction to concrete sometimes can persist long after contact was made.

Fragrances in perfumes, make-ups, and skin and hair products can be a cause for allergic reactions. Products labeled “unscented” can still cause reactions because they do have scents, only these are masked. (Seek out products marked “fragrance free.”)

 There are many metals that can cause allergic reactions all around us – nickels (found in jewelry and food including tomatoes, chocolates and nuts), mercury (dental fillings), gold, chromate (for tanning leather) and many others.

Other irritants include plants (poison ivy, poison oak), UV light exposure, and perspiration (combined with metals).

Irritant contact dermatitis develops when a substance destroys the skin cells it is in contact with before the skin can repair itself. These include detergents, soaps, cleaners, hair dyes, solvents, oils, paints, and many more.

Risk factors

The first serious risk factor for contact dermatitis is the person’s medical history. Risk is higher for people with a history of atopic dermatitis or some other form of allergic-related illnesses.

Younger people are more susceptible to allergic contact dermatitis. Those with repeat exposures will have a higher risk than someone who’s never been exposed. Some people in certain jobs have a much higher risk than most people. These are the health care workers, hairdressers, food handlers, bartenders, and many more. Also, females tend to have a slightly higher risk than males.


Of course, the first commandment is to avoid all substances that cause the irritation or allergy. Dermatologists can help patients develop strategies to work around them – wearing gloves, using barrier creams, etc.

Treatments include applying emollients and moisturizers, taking oral antihistamines, and using topical corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.

In more severe cases of contact dermatitis eczema, doctors can prescribe oral or injectable corticosteroids for short-term relief. Since the causes of this form of eczema are known (most of them, anyway), would-be patients has the chance to avoid them.

Basic Facts and Truths about Eczema

Basic Facts and Truths about Eczema

Most parents find it hard to deal with any problems and sicknesses that are experienced by their kids. It is even harder to deal with conditions that have no cure such as eczema. The best thing that they can do in this case to help their kids is to look for ways to avoid further flare ups and to make sure that their children stay away from any factors that may trigger the condition. This is a recurrent skin problem that is likely to occur during infancy and early childhood. Most kids will outgrow the common symptoms, but some of them will carry these through adulthood. There are only limited numbers of adults who will develop the case for the first time. Aside from physical and emotional causes, the problem can also be caused by genetic factors.

This problem is an itch that when scratched, it will develop into rash. The solution to the problem is to make sure that the sufferer won’t scratch or at least, avoid scratching the affected parts. It comes in severe forms when the condition is developed during infancy. Children who have this problem may also develop other types of allergic diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Diagnosing the Problem

Laboratory testing cannot diagnose this kind of skin problem. These three factors must be present for the diagnosis to be made. First off, the sufferer must be atopic. They may come from a family that has similar allergic diseases. The patient must also experience pruritis or the medical term for itching. This is the only way to trigger the rash and if one doesn’t experience any kind of itching, then it is very likely that they don’t have this kind of skin problem. Due to itching, rashes will also appear. These may cause redness on the skin, blisters, bumps and the scaly look and feel.

Infants will likely develop the problem on various body parts that include their cheeks, back of scalp, chest, legs and arms. The diaper area is typically spared because they aren’t able to scratch the part. For adults and older kids, the problem typically develops behind the knees or in front of the elbows. To make sure that itching will be lessened, you have to determine what causes such. This may be due to infections, allergies, irritants and stress. When suffering or if one is prone to develop the problem, it is recommended that they stay away from using harsh chemicals on their skin, strong soaps or wearing wool fabrics and polyester. You must also avoid conditions wherein your body will be subjected to too much heat and sweating.

People who are suffering from this skin problem are prone to develop other skin infections that are caused by fungi, bacteria and other viruses. To help you deal with eczema, especially if your kids are suffering from this, you must get them looked at by the right professionals. Only the doctors can recommend the most suitable solution for the itchiness according to the severity of the problem.

Averting Eczema Flare-Ups

Averting Eczema Flare-Ups

Eczema is one human affliction that has not been totally solved by modern science. To be precise, there is still no exact cure for the illness. Thankfully, medical experts have found ways to manage the disease, including ways to avert its intermittent flare-ups.

 The following guidelines had been recommended by dermatologists to help reduce the discomfort of the itchiness and the rashes. Aside from doing the needed lifestyle modifications, victims of eczema can help reduce the frequency and severity of the flare-ups of the disease by abiding these guidelines.


Applying moisturizers when needed is one way to combat the dryness and the itchy feeling of the skin caused by eczema. It seals the skin’s own moisture, thus preventing dryness and cracking.

Apply moisturizers right after bathing. In bathing, try not to irritate the afflicted skin areas.

Avoid skin irritants

Every eczema victim has a particular outside irritant or irritants. There’s a whole line-up of materials that can irritate the skin – laundry detergents, soaps, perfumes, cleaners, wool, animal fur, petroleum products, long contact with water, paints…the list is long.

Know what irritates your skin and limit your contact with it.

Sweating and overheating

Sweating and overheating are two most common triggers of the scratch/itch cycle. It can help if you dress up in loose-fitting cotton clothes. Wool and other synthetic fibers can heat you up and they can also feel rough to the touch.

A sudden rise in temperature can make you sweat and sudden drops in humidity can dry the skin. Both conditions can trigger flare-ups.


It pays to thoroughly wash new clothes before you wear them. In washing, do a double rinse on all your laundry, old and new. Lingering detergents on the clothes (and fabric preservatives for new clothes) can trigger allergies.

Use only fragrance-free, neutral pH detergents. Some fabric softeners can be harsh on human skin.

Remove the tags on new clothes. They can rub and irritate the skin.

Cold compress

When the afflicted skin area acts up and becomes itchy, a cold compress can help curb the urge to scratch. Scratching can make the condition worse in the event that the skin is punctured or abraded allowing the entry of bacteria and germs.

Keeping fingernails short can also help. To preclude of accidentally or unconsciously scratching yourself while asleep, having short fingernails is a must. Wearing cotton gloves also helps.


In today’s fast-paced world, eliminating stress is not only good for eczema prevention, it can do wonders on your whole body system, too. Stress had been known to trigger allergies, and consequently, can trigger eczema as well.

There is a wide array of literature out there on reducing, if not totally eliminating stress from your lifestyle.

Environmental triggers (for Atopic dermatitis)

For Atopic dermatitis victims, limit your exposures to environmental triggers. These include pollen, mites, molds, animal dander (fur) and others.

Atopic dermatitis (or atopic eczema) happens to people who have a predisposition to such allergies as hay fever or asthma, or even food allergies. If possible, discover your allergy or allergies for you to avoid them.

Suffering from eczema may be harsh on you, but managing the disease is your only way to combat it at the moment. Following these guidelines will greatly reduce your ordeal.

Atopic Dermatitis Eczema – Some Myths And Facts

Atopic Dermatitis Eczema – Some Myths And Facts

Eczema, a skin disease marked with skin irritations, itchiness and rashes, has several types, the most common of which is sometimes called atopic dermatitis. Most therapies for atopic dermatitis eczema are more of disease management since it has no specific cure.

These therapies, even if recommended by dermatologists, are mostly to reduce flare-ups of the disease. However, they do help cut down the need for more medication and help improve response to treatment.

Unfortunately, doctors find that patients and caregivers do not necessarily follow the guidelines given. Often, the reasons given were mostly misconceptions about skin care and on eczema itself.

The following are some of the prevailing myths about the disease and the real score about them.

Minimize bathing (myth)

People always associate bathing with drying of the skin. Therefore, common sense tells them to keep the activity to a minimum.

Dermatologists tell us that people with atopic dermatitis have excessively dry skin. Hydrating the skin would need taking short daily baths in warm (not hot) water, using mild or non-irritating soap.

This daily bathing hydrates the skin, which can reduce flare-ups. For severe cases, patients should even take 3 short baths daily. After some initial discomforts (open skin sores are painful when touched by water), patients tend to get relief.

Moisturizers give moisture to the skin (myth)

Many people believed that moisturizers add moisture to the skin and can be applied at any convenient time.

Dermatologists advise eczema sufferers to apply moisturizers within 3 minutes right after bathing to lock in the moisture in the skin. The patients are also advised to continue applying moisturizers throughout the day in dry areas of the body.

For the record, moisturizers do not add moisture to the skin. They actually seal in the bath water and preventing its evaporation, the reason why it is effective when applied within 3 minutes after bathing.

Presently, there are now new creams available called barrier repair moisturizers. Generally, they are to be applied twice daily to flare-prone skin and can be used along with traditional moisturizers.

They do not only reduce water loss, they also help rebuild the skin. Patients report that they also help calm the burning and the itching.

Avoiding allergens prevents flare-ups (myth)

Patients complain that if they can identify their allergens, their miseries with eczema would vanish. The rule of thumb would be to simply avoid it.

Dermatologists, however, declare that avoiding the allergens (substances that makes patients allergic) cannot exactly control atopic dermatitis. The real chance is to manage the disease with a multi-faceted approach.

This would include proper skin care, correct usage of medication, and avoiding the allergens. A trigger that irritates the skin need not be the allergen itself.

Detergents, smoke, soaps, skin care products with alcohol, rough-textured clothing are just some atopic dermatitis flare-up triggers. They vary from one person to another. What is important is to know the trigger material.

Skin care

Doctors stress that skin care is one good starting point in managing atopic dermatitis eczema. With guidelines from a dermatologist, a patient can discover the possible relief of his malady with confidence and less stress.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Kick Eczema With These Home Remedies

Mastering to care for your own Eczema and wage war against it without needing Doctors or specialists can be the one thing that finally tips the scales in your favor. Many people experience no relief through various medical help, so maybe you can find relief through the tips I have compiled below.

Home Remedy 1- Diet
The regular person's diet includes a fair degree of acid. Scientists have proven that that acid can be very bad for Eczema. You have two solutions-systematically cut down on acidic foods, which is harder than it sounds, or take some kelp supplements. Kelp is very high in alkali, and will help to neutralize some of the acid. This can be very successful, as can visiting a diet expert and having them compile a few meal plans for you.

Home Remedy 2-Vitamin E
Vitamin E has outstanding effects on areas affected with Eczema. The main benefit is that it can significantly reduce the itching and discomfort you can feel in your worst Eczema prone areas. The way it works is by neutralizing the microbes in the area-these microbes are thought to be to blame for the irritation which causes the itching. Natural Vitamin E is much more efficient than the synthetic kind, so be cautious when buying.

Home Remedy 3- Blueberry Extract
Blueberry leaves have a natural acid in them, which acts a wholly natural anti inflammatory. If you use and apply this regularly, it can really help you in the long term. Blueberry leaf extract can be found in your local health store.

Home Remedy 4- Moisturize
Moisturizing can be a real godsend for some Eczema sufferers, but many people just don't make an effort with it. If you get into a regular moisturization regime, you can really cut the effect the condition can have on your life. It's best to moisturize as often as possible, twice a day if doable, and it's also best to do it after bathing or showering. Apply the moisturizer when your skin is still slightly damp, and you will be helping to seal that all important moisturizer inside your skin.

Eczema is never good news, but most people don't understand they can make a real difference to it if they take some action! Hopefully you will use these tips and find some real freedom.

Beat Your Eczema Skin Disease Now

Eczema is very common these days, and there are tens of millions of suffers all over the world. It's worse for some than others, some people don't even know they have it, while others are living lives that are entirely altered because of it. You'll find some tips below that will help you get some relief, no matter how badly you have the affliction.

Use Coconut Oil-
Many people would have you think these days that coconut oil is just about the healthiest thing in the whole world. I don't know if that's true or not, but there are certainly a lot of benefits being reported by eczema sufferers. Coconut oil contains something called Lauric Acid, which is only discovered in one other place-human breast milk. The human and soothing qualities of this ingredient are pretty powerful-apply coconut oil to the areas affected by Eczema, and you will see exactly how powerful it can be.

If you suffer from Eczema, one of the most essential things is to keep the area clean and free from bacteria, dust etc. Practically nothing does this better than bathing or showering regularly, some specialist recommend it as often as twice a day. This can work wonders, but you have to take extra care, as the continuous washing away of the skin's natural oils will result in drier skin, which is in turn prone to increased Eczema intensity. This leads to the next point...

As we said, drier skin is much more prone to Eczema, and this is because it is less flexible so will often crack and flake, particularly areas around our joints. The key to averting and preventing this is to moisturize regularly. If you can do it after bathing, all the better. Applying the moisturizer to damp skin is excellent as it will allow some of the moisture to stay sealed into your skin.

You are what you eat. Sound familiar? The food we eat is the fuel our body uses for every single method, including healing and fixing skin. You can run your car on coca cola and beef burgers can you? Well your body battles to run with that kind of fuel just as much. It's thought that foods with very acidic content can cause an increase in Eczema symptoms, but this can create complications, as many very good foods are high in acid-fish, tomatoes etc. The best way to combat this is to see a dietician and get some meal plans custom made for you. You can also combat the acid by taking kelp supplements-these are very high in alkali, and can neutralize the acids in your system.

Eczema is truly a nightmare for lots of people, but it really doesn't need to be. In most cases, if you take some time and apply some intelligence, you can see real benefits. Hopefully these guides will provide you with some benefit.

Eczema - Simplified Guide To Eczema

Eczema is a kind of Skin Inflammation. Inflammation of skin is called dermatitis. All kinds of dermatitis are classified under the common term eczema. Though Atopic Dermatitis is commonly used as a synonym of eczema, there are many other dermatitis conditions that are included in the diseases known as eczema. Let us take a quick look.

Skin Problem- Atopic Dermatitis

The most common eczema is known as Atopic dermatitis. It is a genetic problem that causes red rashes with blisters that itch. Atopic dermatitis is triggered by allergens. Those who suffer from this problem have to identify the allergen that trigger Atopic dermatitis in them and stop using or eating those products. Once Atopic dermatitis flares up, it may need treatment with antibiotics and steroids. As this is the most common form of eczema it is important to learn something about it.

Skin Problem- Irritant Contact Dermatitis

Irritant Contact Dermatitis is caused due to contact with an irritant. The contact need not be for a very brief period. Prolonged contact can cause this dermatitis in many people though the material in contact is as neutral as water. Not everyone gets this dermatitis with every product. You may get it, but your friend may not.

Skin Problem- Allergic Contact Dermatitis

This kind of dermatitis is caused by allergens that come in contact with skin and cause inflammation. Nickel and latex are common examples. Poison Ivy is another common allergen. Again as with irritant Contact Dermatitis, you may be allergic, your friend need not be.

Whenever you get a skin rash for which you are able to think about a reason, think about eczema and contact your doctor.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Nummular Eczema

Nummular Eczema-Get Some Relief

Nummular Eczema is a slight variation from regular eczema, which starts with very itchy patches or rashes on the skin, which develop into coin shaped patches of dermatitis. It can get steadily worse as it progresses, and for a lot of sufferers it is chronic. I've put together some tips here so you can try and prevent it yourself!

A fundamental way to prevent both nummular eczema and the regular kind is to be very particular about the clothing you have next to your skin. The wrong clothing can really make your eczema flare up. Try and stick to clothing that is very soft and 100% cotton. Woolen items are a definite no-no, as is anything else even slightly itchy. Also pay attention to the fit of your clothing. You don't want anything that's going to be too tight or clingy, as this can be just as bad as wearing the wrong kinds of fabrics.

Perfumes, scent agents and the detergent itself can all have very ugly effects on regular skin, so Eczema sufferers should be extra aware. If you've ever found that there is a certain piece of clothing that for some reason just drives you crazy with the itching and soreness one day, the problem is probably your detergent. You can eliminate much of this by going with a natural detergent which is unperfumed. This is good advice for both clothing and also for any toiletries which come into close proximity to your skin.

Sometimes people can assume that they can prevent Nummular Eczema or send it into regression by increasing the amount of baths or showers they take. This is kind of a double edged sword. Yes, bathing can reduce symptoms, as it will remove bacteria and microbes in the area which may eventually cause discomfort-BUT the more you bathe, the more your skin dries out, which will definitely make the eczema worse. The only compromise is to moisturize...

As I said, it can be beneficial to bathe twice a day, but only if you moisturize DIRECTLY after. Pat yourself down with a very soft towel, and apply your moisturizer to damp skin, which will hopefully help you lock even more of the moisture inside.

A highly acidic diet can prove bad for Eczema, scientists have found definite links, so it may be worthwhile trying to reduce the acidic content in the food you eat. This is tricky, unless you happen to be a dietician. If you don't you may want to visit a dietician for some advice. There is also a simpler solution, which is to take kelp supplements. The alkali in the kelp will help by neutralizing the acid in the food you eat.

No matter what kind of Eczema you have, it can make your life a real misery. Nummular eczema is one of the very worst kinds, so hopefully these few tips will help provide you with some relief.

Avoid The Causes Of Eczema And Beat It For Good

Eczema is caused more by several different factors, each one increasing the discomfort level until the threshold is reached and you are in a full blown itching attack, ripping your poor skin to shreds. Fear not though, if you take the time to learn how to understand and recognize these factors, you can significantly reduce the impact that the condition can have on your life. Check out my tips below to get the better of Eczema today.

The #1 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Dry Skin. A lot of people will argue this point, stating that that the dry skin is a simple symptom of the Eczema. This may be true, but think about it for a second-what's the most irritating thing about Eczema, the thing that causes most discomfort? The itching right? Well if you can combat that dry skin, you can go a long way to beating the itch too. The key is to keep it moisturized. Moisturize at least twice a day, preferably after bathing or showering. Dab yourself down with the towel, and apply the moisturizer to damp skin. This will help lock the moisture from the bath into your skin.

The #2 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Ignorance toward diet. Most people have no idea how much your diet can affect your skin and the condition of it. To put it plainly, if you aren't giving your skin the right nutrients, it can't heal itself, so your Eczema will only get worse.
Foods that are high in acidity are often blamed for exacerbating the Eczema condition, there is something in the acid in some foods which reacts very badly. The ideal way to cure this is visit a dietician, and they can prepare an ideal diet for you. Obviously not everyone has the resources or inclination to do this though, so thankfully you can also combat it by taking kelp supplements. Kelp is very high in alkali, which can neutralize the acid in most foods once it's in your body.

The #3 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Scents. Silly as it sounds, the perfuming agents in many detergents/soaps etc has awful effects on your eczema. Have you noticed that sometimes nothing can irritate your skin more than having it brush up against your clothing all day? This is most often due to the scenting agents in the clothing. If you can change over to unscented soaps, detergents, shampoos etc, you will most likely find your clothing is suddenly more comfortable for you.

The #4 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Clothing itself. We already mentioned the damaged that scented clothing can have, but did you know that just your clothing alone can prove to be pretty formidable? Most Eczema patients have no idea that sometimes when they experience a worsening of the condition, it can be down to the very clothing they are wearing. Certain fabrics can be a real curse. As a general guide, avoid anything woolen or obviously itchy, and try to wear 100% cotton clothing as often as possible.

Natural Eczema Treatment Provides Relief Without Side Effects

The National Institutes of Health estimates that more than 15 million Americans have symptoms of atopic dermatitis - otherwise known as eczema. Although there are several different types of eczema, atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease characterized by inflamed and itchy skin. According to the NIH, health insurance companies pay out over $1 billion in medical care costs for eczema treatment every year. Considering how many Americans are uninsured or underinsured, the actual cost for eczema care is likely much higher. 

Causes of Eczema

Unfortunately, the specific cause of eczema is unknown, but according to the NIH, "the disease seems to result from a combination of genetic (hereditary) and environmental factors." It appears that allergies and immune system disorders are associated with eczema, and that stress can cause eczema outbreaks in people who have inherited the tendency for the condition. Environmental irritants that can trigger or exacerbate outbreaks include dust, cigarette smoke, wool or synthetic clothing fibers, soaps, cosmetics, and household chemicals.

Infantile Eczema

According to the NIH, "Scientists estimate the 65 percent of patients develop symptoms in the first year of life, and 90 percent develop symptoms before the age of five." In other words, infant eczema is much more prevalent than adult-onset eczema. Moreover, about 60 percent of those with baby eczema will continue to have symptoms of the condition into adulthood. 

Eczema Treatments

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for eczema, and there are concerns about using standard medical treatments for infants and children. According to the NIH, the two goals of eczema treatment are preventing outbreaks and healing the skin. Doctors sometimes prescribe immuno-modulators that come in ointment or cream form, but these cannot be used in children under two years of age. In addition, unwanted side effects like burning or itching can occur. 

A wide range of other mediations is also used to treat the condition, including antihistamines, immuno-suppressants, and antibiotics (to treat skin infections). Most commonly, corticosteroids are prescribed, either as a cream or a pill. This class of medications is problematic for a number of reasons, notably that long-term use can have serious and life-threatening side effects. 

Home Relief for Itching with Eczema

As an alternative to medications that are rife with side effects, there are all-natural eczema treatments on the market that can stop the itching, re-hydrate the skin, and promote healing. For example, eczema bath salts use natural essential oils with healing properties that also condition the skin, soothe itching, and stop oozing. Parents are embracing these natural treatments because they are not harmful to children, help to prevent the infections caused by scratching, and turn the nightmare of bath time into a welcome respite. 

Those who suffer from hand eczema or a rash on other parts of the body can turn to a number of remedies, but a natural eczema treatment provides an inexpensive, safe alternative to prescription medications.

Eczema - What Is It, What Causes It, And How To Treat It.

Eczema, also known as Dermatitis, is a condition of the skin, which can affect people of any age. The severity of the disease can vary - in mild forms the skin is hot, dry and itchy, while in more severe cases the skin can become broken, raw and bleeding. Although Eczema can sometimes look unpleasant, it is fortunately not contagious. With treatment of the affected skin area, the inflammation of eczema can be reduced, though the skin will always be sensitive and will require extra care in order to avoid and control flare-ups. 

Eczema comes in various forms, and can have several causes, depending on the particular type of eczema that a person has. One type of eczema is thought to be hereditary, while other types of eczema are caused by irritants coming in contact with the skin; for example detergents. Eczema can also be caused by blood circulatory problems in the legs, with older people. 

Atopic Eczema: The most common form of eczema. It can be found in both children and adults and often runs in the family. Symptoms of Atopic Eczema include unbearable itchiness, overall dryness of the skin, redness and inflammation. 

Allergic Contact Dermatitis: A form of Eczema which develops when the immune system reacts against a substance in contact with the skin. Such reactions may occur when the skin is in contact with substances like nickel in earrings, belt buckles, or buttons. Some people also suffer these symptoms when wearing certain perfumes. Once a substance irritation is discovered, contact with the offending substance should be avoided.

Irritant Contact Dermatitis: This is a type of eczema caused by regular contact with everyday substances, such as detergents or chemicals which are irritating to the skin. Irritant Contact Dermatitis is best avoided by keeping the irritant away from the skin, and keeping any sensitive skin areas well moisturized.

Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema: An eczema which commonly affects babies under one year old, also known as Cradle Cap. It often starts on the scalp or nappy area and can quickly spread, although it is neither sore nor itchy. Creams and bath oils can assist the healing process.

Adult Seborrhoeic Eczema: A form of eczema which generally affects adults between the ages of 20 and 40. Often appearing as mild dandruff, it can spread to the face, ears and chest. The skin affected turns red and inflamed, and then starts to flake. Infected areas can be treated with anti-fungal cream.

Varicose Eczema: Caused by poor circulation, Varicose Eczema often affects middle-aged to older people, causing the skin to become speckled, itchy, and inflamed. The affected areas should be treated with emollients and steroid creams before the skin breaks down, often resulting in ulcers. 

Discoid Eczema: An Eczema generally found in adults. It can suddenly appear as several coin-shaped patches of red skin, normally on the trunk or lower legs. These areas become itchy and can weep fluid. Discoid eczema is usually treated with emollients, and steroid creams if necessary.

SUMMARY: Pharmacies offer a wide range of products for the treatment of Eczema, yet eczema sufferers should also look for ways of minimizing environmental allergens commonly found in the home.